The hardest part is getting extra pounds off the belly and sides. In order to lose weight in the waistline, you need to do special exercises and combine physical activity with proper nutrition. There are many different exercises for burning belly fat. Some are more suitable for morning workouts, while others are recommended for evening fitness sessions.
Lose Belly And Sides: Exercises For Morning Exercise
The first exercises can be done during the morning exercises. It contains:
- Raise your legs. You need to lie on the floor, straighten your legs, put your hands under your buttocks. From this position, slow leg raises are performed. Straight legs are raised, but if this is too difficult, the knees are allowed to bend a little. The ascent is followed by a three-second stop, after which the limbs are lowered to their original position. The exhalation is on the advance, the inhalation is on the downward movement. In this and all of the following exercises, 3 sets of 15 repetitions are performed.
- Classic crunches. In the same position - lying on your back - your legs are bent and your feet are shoulder width apart. The hands are wrapped behind the head, the elbows are directed to the sides. The head does not tilt forward. With the exertion of the abdominal muscles, the upper body rises and approaches the legs. The movement occurs when you exhale. When inhaling, the body is lowered to the starting position.
- Turn to the side. The exercise is performed according to the same scheme as the classic rotations, the only difference: at the same time as the body is lifted, a turn to the side is performed. The right elbow should be drawn towards the left knee and the left elbow towards the right knee.
- Exercise "scissors". To begin with, use a position known from the first exercise: lie on your back, legs straight, palms under your buttocks. With the help of the abdominal muscles, the straight legs are brought to a height of 30 centimeters and fixed. Cross movements are performed, that is, one leg is taken higher and the other is lowered to the floor, but does not touch it. Then both legs move towards each other, cross each other, and the "lower" leg goes up, and the "upper" - goes down. The prescribed number of repetitions is performed.
The complex is recommended for daily use. You don't have to do all three sets of 15 reps at the same time. You can do one approach for each exercise and repeat the entire set of exercises three times.
Abdominal and Side Slimming: a series of exercises for an evening workout

The second set of exercises is for evening training. Not everyone has the opportunity to exercise in the morning, although morning workouts are more effective than evening workouts for weight loss. The choice of evening training is usually more extensive. An example option:
- To warm up - go in place. Enough 30 seconds. You need to walk vigorously with a high knee. Each inhale / exhale should take four steps.
- Raise the pelvis. Lying on your back with your legs bent and arms stretched out along your body. The pelvis rises gently and the entire body from shoulders to knees is aligned as much as possible.
- Raise your legs. While lying on your back, slowly raise your straight legs, stand them upright, and hold for two seconds. Gently place your feet back on the floor.
- Wide lunges. A standing position is assumed, hands are placed on the belt. The stomach is drawn in, the abdominal muscles tighten. The widest step forward is done with a squat on the step leg. In this case, the knee should not protrude beyond the toe. To get up from a lunge, you need to push off with your leg extended.
- Machi. High amplitude kicks are performed while standing.
- "Scissors". Position - lying on your back. Straight legs are crossed first in a vertical plane (up and down), then horizontally (spread apart and brought together with a cross).
Each exercise is repeated 10 to 15 times. A total of 2-3 approaches are carried out. You can do all the exercises of the complex in one approach and then repeat the complex 1-2 times.
Ten minutes of waist and flank weight loss

An example of a quick weight loss workout in the waist area for those who don't have time for fitness at all:
- Tighten your knees up to your chin. The exercise is performed while sitting on the buttocks. The hands are brought back and rest on the floor. The legs are stretched forward. The knees are bent and gently pulled up to the chin. After each pulling up, the legs are stretched and placed on the floor.
- Alternating pulling of the knees to the chin. The same work is carried out as in the previous exercise, only the legs are not brought together, but alternately to the chin.
- Pull your knees towards your chin (option 2). It is performed in the same way as the first exercise of this complex, with one difference: after the extension, the lower limbs are not placed on the floor, but held in weight.
- Reverse crunches. In the supine position, the arms are stretched out sideways. The legs are bent, lifted and pulled up to the body.
- Classic crunches (described above).
- Ischium lifts. The starting position is sitting on the buttocks with support on the hands wrapped behind the back. Straight legs gently protrude above the floor.
- Alternating leg raises while sitting. Straight legs do not rise together, but one after the other.
- The lying leg rises. Position - lying on your back. Straight legs gently lift up to a 90-degree angle.
- Twists of the legs. Lie on your back and straighten your arms to your sides. The legs are bent at the knees and deviate in a curved shape to the right and then to the left. The thigh should touch the surface of the floor while the hands and body do not fall off the floor.
- Pull your knees towards your chest while sitting in a chair. Hold the edges of the chair with your hands and pull your knees towards your body.
- Keep your legs on weight. In the prone position, straight legs protrude from the floor at a 45 degree angle and are held still for as long as possible.
Each exercise is performed for 45 seconds. Rest breaks should be kept to a minimum. As a result, the entire weight loss workout takes about 10 minutes. This can be done at any time.